Clients frequently inquire about just how mobile Notary Public services work in San Diego County.
The answer is quite simple, a prospective client finds that they need a document notarized, usually in an urgent manner. They often Google mobile notary services in San Diego and come across San Diego Notary Now or another fellow mobile notary company. You call and inquire about getting a mobile notary service appointment and how exactly it works: where do we meet? What does it cost? Can you come to my house, business, coffee shop, etc.?
The process is actually really quick simple with us, you give us a call and indicate how many signatures need to be notarized and what part of the San Diego county you are located in. We inform you of the pricing based on the number of signatures and distance that will be travelled. You have the option to meet anywhere that is most convenient for you, such as a Starbucks near you, your house, your friends house. We are here to make the mobile notary appointment process and the notarized as convenient for you as possible.
Mobile services are always very convenient, and aren’t only used when the client is unable to travel, they are also used because it is simple, convenient, and very efficient with often very little wait time to the appointment, and no waiting in line at a bank or post office.
Give San Diego Notary Now a call the next time you find yourself having questions about mobile Notary Public services. We would be glad to answer any questions you may have and also set up an appointment if you choose to arrange a mobile Notary.